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Environmental Links

by E. Bryan Crenshaw III, PhD

This page contains additional hyperlinks that discuss environmental issues addressed on this website.
Alliance for Zero Extinction - Check out the 800 species that are at risk for extinction, and the sites where they live.
Alliance for Climate Protection - Fighting global warming with the proceeds from Al Gore's documentary.
Audubon Pennsylvania - Increase interest in bird conservation in Pennsylvania.
BBC's iCAN - Climate Change - BBC's Public Action Pages, iCAN, addressing climate change.
Bike Friday - A bike that: folds into an airline-checkable hardcase; rides just like your favorite road bike; and can be custom built to your specs. Oh, and that hardcase morphs into a trailer once you're riding your Friday.
Bike Dealers in Philly - Trophy Bike and Bike Line.
Ask Umbra-Grist Magazine - Umbra gives advice on all things bothering the environmentally aware, and provides links to many websites of interest to her audience.
BatteryXtender.com - Recharge ordinary alkaline batteries.
BBC News "Planet Under Pressure" - a six-part BBC News Online series looking at some of the most pressing environmental issues facing the human race today.
BoGo Flashlight - Buy one, Give one (to a developing nation charity to replace kerosene lanterns and wood fires.
Carbon Mitigation Initiative - a collaboration between Princeton University, BP and Ford.
CARMA reveals the carbon emissions of more than 50,000 power plants and 4,000 power companies in every country on Earth.
Christmas Lights - LEDs are a much more energy efficient means of lighting up the holidays.
Create an Oasis with Grey Water (book) - Create an Oasis with Grey Water: How to choose, build and use twenty types of grey water systems. Simple, low cost water conservation, treatment, filtration, irrigation, tanks, plumbing for reuse.
Dry Dipstick - A Peak Oil Metadirectory.
Earth911.org - Great resource for recycling.
EPA's Personal Greenhouse Gas Calculator - Ignore Bush and others who have there head in the sand about the Kyoto protocol by undertaking a personal commitment to reducing CO2 emissions.
EnergyStar Product Categories - Government effort to certify and rate energy efficient products.
Flashlight; DIY Human-Powered Tic Tac Light - A clever way of making a shake flashlight.
GREEN BUILDING 101: DESIGN INNOVATION - The latest sustainable living innovations.
Global Warming - United Nations Site describing the effects of global warming on the environment.
Greenroofs.com - Covering your roof with plants has many environmental benefits, including storm runoff and air quality.
Heliodyne - Solar thermal heating products.
Hybrio - Rechargeable NiMH batteries that hold their charge better than most (Click here for a distributor of Hybrio batteries).
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change - Nobel Peace Prize winning effort to review literature addressing climate change.
Living on Earth - Weekly NPR radio show addressing environmental issues - Check out the Living on Earth Podcast!
Louisiana's Disappearing Marshland - Even prior to Katrina, the importance of these marshlands were understood, according to this article in National Geographic.
Low Carbon Diet - Thoughts on the energy impact of food.
National Resources Defense Council - (NRDC) uses law, science, and the support of its members to protect the planet's wildlife and wild places and to ensure a safe and healthy environment for all living things
Ocean Power Technologies of New Jersey is making power from tidal energy.
PennEnvironment is a statewide, citizen-based environmental advocacy organization.
Pennsylvania Energy Festival - The goal of the Pennsylvania Renewable Energy and Sustainable Living Festival is to inform and educate ourselves and the public on renewable energy production, energy efficiency, and sustainable living through meetings, workshops, educational materials, and energy fairs.
Pew Center on Global Climate Change - Conducts research on global warming, its causes and effects, greenhouse gas emissions trends, environmental impacts and possible solutions.
Rain Barrels - Capture rainwater for watering needs.
Recycling Services, Inc. of Pottstown, PA for those hard-to-recycle items. RSI recycles most plastics and a number of other materials.
Renewable Energy Projects Map - The Renewable Planet uses Google Earth to map renewable energy projects.
Schuylkill Center for Environmental Education - This Philadelphia area center offers a variety of outdoor and indoor natural history and environmental science programs for all ages.
Schuylkill River Greenway Association - Envisions a Schuylkill River region fully revitalized and restored: A region whose citizens understand, value and are fully committed to preserving and sustaining their cultural heritage and natural environment for future generations.
The Science Behind Global Warning - Explanation of the causes of global warming from the Scripps Institute of Oceanography.
Sierra Club - A major political advocacy organization that promotes environmental issues.
SustainLane.com - Ratings of US city sustainability ranking (Philadelphia is in the top 10!).
Terrapass.com - Buy carbon credits to offset your automobile use and airplane trips.
Transfair.org - Fair Trade Certification and Products
United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Control
Voluntary Carbon Offset Information Portal - Looking for insight into the best carbon offset companies? Tufts Climate Initiative and the Stockholm Environment Initiative provide some analysis for you.
we Campaign - Al Gore's $300 million global warming advocacy campaign.
Earth Day - April 22
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©2003-2009, E. Bryan Crenshaw III