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E. Bryan Crenshaw III |
Scientific Interests
E. Bryan Crenshaw III, PhD
I am a neurogeneticist interested in the mechanisms that regulate the development of the central nervous system (CNS) and inner ear. Mutations of genes that control developmental processes can lead to congenital deafness and CNS defects.
Inner Ear Development
Congenital deafness occurs in approximately 1 of every 1000 births. We are interested in elucidating the molecular mechanisms that regulate inner ear development, and understanding how mutations in deafness genes cause inner ear malformations.
Neural Tube Development

The development of the central nervous system (CNS) requires precise molecular mechanisms that lay down patterning of an embryonic structure, called the neural tube, at an early stage of its development. We are interested in the molecular mechanisms that specify the dorsal side of the neural tube, which ultimately will receive sensory information.
For more information, please see my other scientific websites at the University of Pennsylvania Medical School: the Neuroscience Graduate Group, or the Cell and Molecular Biology Graduate Group.