J.V. Crenshaw Letters
These downloads contain large digitized scans that are sized for printing high resolution documents, and they will appear oversized on your computer screen. Once the download is complete, save the jpeg format graphics files, and print them with a graphics program.
Click Here for a fragmentary letter discussing J.V.'s forgiveness for bad relations with family members, (Large 1Mb Download)
Click Here for the pages 1 & 2 of a complete letter of J.V. Crenshaw discussing his health, his wife's health, and details of relatives including his daughter, brother William and William's sons. (Large 504K Download)
Click Here for the pages 3 & 4 of a complete letter of J.V. Crenshaw discussing his health, his wife's health, and details of relatives including his daughter, brother William and William's sons. (Large 480K Download)
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